

The Prophet's Forgiveness

He always repelled evil with the good of forgiveness and kind behavior. More

The Prophet's Forgiveness


How the Prophet Treated New Muslims

“The best among you in the days of ignorance are the best in the days after accepting Islam, provided that they acquire true knowledge and understanding of Islam(Fiqh)”. (Bukhari and Muslim). More

How the Prophet Treated New Muslims


Why the Prophet fasted in Sha`ban

Scholars differed as to the reasons why the Prophet. Their various opinions were as follows: More

Why the Prophet fasted in Sha`ban


How the Prophet Treated New Muslims

“The best among you in the days of ignorance are the best in the days after accepting Islam, provided that they acquire true knowledge and understanding of Islam(Fiqh)”. (Bukhari and Muslim). More

How the Prophet Treated New Muslims
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